Pretear sprites

Himeno Awayuki! Himeno! Himeno Awayuki! Himeno Awayuki! Himeno Awayuki
Himeno Himeno Himeno in her PJs ^-^ Himeno in her PJs
Himeno the Fire Pretear Himeno, the Fire Pretear Himeno, the Fire Pretear Himeno, the Fire Pretear Himeno, the Fire Pretear
Himeno the Wind Pretear Himeno the Wind Pretear Himeno the Wind Pretear Himeno the Wind Pretear Himeno the Wind Pretear Himeno the Wind Pretear
Himeno the Ice Pretear Himeno the Ice Pretear Himeno, the Ice Pretear Himeno, the Ice Pretear Himeno the Ice Pretear Himeno the Ice Pretear
Himeno the Sound Pretear Himeno the Sound Pretear Himeno the Sound Pretear Himeno, the Sound Pretear Himeno the Sound Pretear Himeno, the Sound Pretear
Himeno the Water Pretear Himeno the Water Pretear Himeno, the Water Pretear
Himeno the Light Pretear Himeno, the Light Pretear Himeno the Plant Pretear
Himeno the White Pretear
Himeno Awayuki, Pretear

Goh, Leafe Knight of Fire Hayate, Leafe Knight of Wind Kei, Leafe Knight of Light Sasame, Leafe Knight of Sound Mannen, Leafe Knight of Ice Hajime, Leafe Knight of Water Shin, Leafe Knight of Plants
Goh in civilian clothes Hayate in his civilian clothes Kei in his civilian clothes Sasame in civilian clothes Mannen in his civilian clothes Hajime in his civilian clothes Shin in civilian clothes

Leafe Knights
Goh, Hayate, Kei, Sasame, Mannen, Hajime & Shin

Mayune Awayuki Mayune Awayuki Mayune Awayuki Mayune Awayuki Mayune
Mawata Awayuki Mawata Awayuki Mawata Awayuki Mawata Awayuki Mawata in casual clothes
Natsue Awayuki (corrected) Kaoru Awayuki Kaoru Awayuki (with glasses) Yayoi Takato
Mikage Mikage
Awayuki Family & Friends
Mayune, Mawata, Natsue & Kaoru Awayuki
Mikage & Yayoi Takato

Saihi! Fenrir, Princess of Disaster Saihi/Takako
Fenrir (Princess of Disaster)

Takako Takako as Wind Pretear Takako as Sound Pretear Takako as Light Pretear Takako as Fire Pretear Takako as Ice Pretear Takako as Water Pretear

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